List of issues - Show All

ID Activity Title Status Creator Assigned To
465 157 months ago planting enemy and just confirming default-values: crash on playtest. resolved matthiaskrgr joseph
446 158 months ago hud: steps in hud bar resolved matthiaskrgr ahuillet
456 158 months ago random dungeons need to be adepted to floor changes resolved matthiaskrgr joseph
449 159 months ago enemy color manipulation on spell effect broken resolved matthiaskrgr Mach3
448 159 months ago no text is displayed resolved gorgonz  
447 159 months ago if current level has 1 layer, nearby levels with multiple layers are shown wrong resolved matthiaskrgr joseph
431 159 months ago validator: check for label name duplications resolved matthiaskrgr Mach3
328 159 months ago object only highlighted if tile under it hovered, not itself resolved tracker_migration hail
219 159 months ago game crash getting Tania mission if SADD hacked resolved tracker_migration matthiaskrgr
233 159 months ago ingame images of barret rifle and exterminator not in isometric angle resolved tracker_migration joseph
428 159 months ago inventory: hovering weapon orb under inventory makes 'tooltip' appear resolved matthiaskrgr catalinb
414 159 months ago resolution menu only shows supported full-screen resolutions resolved matthiaskrgr hail
436 159 months ago Tracker CSS: editing a query does not work as expected resolved ahuillet matthiaskrgr
435 159 months ago Tracker CSS: "submit new entry" and "add comment" buttons aren't the same color resolved ahuillet matthiaskrgr
247 159 months ago level 28: bots not spawned on map labels but on non-rand WPs resolved tracker_migration matthiaskrgr
315 160 months ago GRAPHICS: a lot of item addons have no graphics resolved tracker_migration  
386 160 months ago Reimplement r4687 avoiding rendering errors resolved tracker_migration  
401 160 months ago hide resolved issues? resolved matthiaskrgr ahuillet
249 160 months ago -l crashes resolved tracker_migration hail
399 160 months ago ReviewBoard autolink regex is wrong resolved ahuillet  
395 160 months ago assign bugs to other people but self? resolved matthiaskrgr  
393 160 months ago Do not require unique e-mail resolved fdadmin  
1002 3 weeks ago Game crash after duplicating an item on the ground. resolved duclou  
1001 5 months ago Hard crash when playing a level with errors such as missing obstacles open lumidify  
1000 5 months ago Game crashed when hero load open bibothekid  
995 6 months ago Untranslatable text in images open Wuzzy  
950 6 months ago [Usability] Ctrl = run; Q = quest; Ctrl + Q = quit open  
735 20 months ago autogen source produces deprecated message resolved digifuzzy  
420 20 months ago tracker: get rid of <br><br> rejected matthiaskrgr  
422 20 months ago tracker: issues status as class for table row <tr> rejected matthiaskrgr  
618 20 months ago chat log: old dialog window flashes and is erased immediately after starting new chat session with a npc resolved matthiaskrgr fluzz
619 20 months ago options list is not initialized on the first run of the chat dialog rejected matthiaskrgr fluzz
440 20 months ago tracker: css image looks strange rejected matthiaskrgr matthiaskrgr
708 20 months ago Crash During Tutorial rejected tdclemens  
892 20 months ago Takeover game screen was bugged. resolved jesusalva  
918 20 months ago tracker: unable to remove private query rejected flaviojs  
682 21 months ago don't be able drop gun while reloading resolved matthiaskrgr  
577 21 months ago item addon: paralyzation applied on victim before/even without hitting resolved matthiaskrgr  
894 21 months ago After get several lessons from Engel one right after another only one training point is obtained rejected L29Ah  
919 21 months ago I have a question!‏ resolved Linkeys  
705 21 months ago reload sound not played pressing 'r' (only for automatic-reload) resolved matthiaskrgr  
971 26 months ago FreedroidRPG 1.0RC2 encountered a problem in function: resume_lua_coroutine resolved omero  
921 58 months ago Can't return to firmware update server after propagation resolved shentino  
959 59 months ago System mouse setting should be respected in the fullscreen mode (or allow to remap mouse bindings) open bircoph  
945 63 months ago Sometimes get stuck attacking nothing open LotBlind  
922 70 months ago Stuck on sprint rejected shentino  
895 74 months ago A player's Tux was found outside the map. open Emanuele Sorce  
913 78 months ago An Explosive Situation - attempt to yield from outside a coroutine resolved flaviojs  
904 78 months ago Level Editor mixed yes/no on bot creation resolved jesusalva fluzz
772 79 months ago Bugs in "items.c" (durability and repair skill, also game balance issue) open Christoph  
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